We are forever infinite...

would i do it? erase all memories of her?
that movie was different...in the end they got back together
my outcome? idk. 
We just encountered a minor conflict in our Love Story
 i hope we just stopped at a bookmark
So we can pick up where we left off

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep
But i have promises to keep
And miles to go before i sleep
And miles to go before i sleep

We are forever infinite...
all of us
Change of heart? no
Change of mind? no
Doing what's best for both you and her? yes
Forgetting about her? no
Letting her go? no
Allowing her to live her life without having to worry about me? yes
Do i feel like she took advantage of me? my friends say she did, i disagree
I hope she is happy, with whatever she does
and whoever she ends up with
For i have arrived to the conclusion, that i'm not HER type.
- but she was my type -
first love she was, the last? i doubt
i'm moving on now...she doesn't want to be with me.
Who am i?
like...i'm so fucking serious Who Am I?
i've never felt this before...it's like i lost my identity like i just...
i've heard of this before, but i thought it was just a saying
What am i without her?
Who am i?
I have to do something, i have to make myself something else
What the Fuck ! 
why am i feeling this? i've never felt THIS empty before....
Heartbroken? i don't know.
I'm going to fucking get her back.
I don't care.
I'm not posting anything else on this fucking terrible excuse for a blog anymore
until - i - get - her - back
whether thats
 3 weeks
3 days
3 years
3 decades
it will be worth it
consider me irrational
call me fucking stupid
but damnit, i know when i've found the one
and until she looks me in the Fucking Eye and tells me that she doesn't WANT to be with me i'm not stopping .
And i put that on my grandmother
Fuck this shit man, i'm gettin my girl one way or another

Even if the morrow is barren of promises,
Nothing shall forestall my return

- FFVII Crisis Core